Background Check Consent for Instructors
Transparency & Trust Learn how FiveOwls utilizes Checkr and With Persona to conduct background checks and personal verification for instructors. We prioritize a safe and secure learning environment for all.
By submitting your application to become an instructor on the FiveOwls platform, you acknowledge and agree to the following:
- Background Check and Verification: You authorize FiveOwls to conduct a background check and personal verification on you. This may include a criminal history search, verification of your credentials, and identity verification.
- Third-Party Services: These checks will be conducted by reputable third-party service providers:
- Background Check: Checkr: (in accordance with their privacy policy)
- Personal Verification: With Persona: (in accordance with their privacy policy)
- Information Sharing: You understand that FiveOwls may share your personal information necessary for the background check and verification process with authorized service providers.
- Transparency and Fairness: The background check and verification will be conducted in a fair and compliant manner, and you will be notified of the results.
- Right to Withdraw: You have the right to withdraw your application at any time before the background check and verification process is initiated.
Commitment to a Safe Learning Environment: FiveOwls prioritizes the safety and well-being of our learners. Background checks and personal verification are essential parts of ensuring a secure and trustworthy learning environment for all.
Thank you for your understanding and cooperation!
Additional Notes:
- We’ve clarified the purpose of the background check to include “personal verification” alongside the criminal history search and credential verification. This aligns with the additional service provided by With Persona.
- We’ve included links to the privacy policies of both Checkr and With Persona for transparency. Instructors can review their data practices before consenting to the background check and verification process.